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UPDATE: It’s now been confirmed that Exoprimal will also be coming to Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and Steam, alongside its previously announced PS4 and PS5 versions. The article below has been adjusted to reflect this new information.

Capcom has lifted the veil on its newest third-person shooter, Exoprimal, which sees players take on enormous hordes of interdimensional dinosaurs, as revealed during PlayStation’s March State of Play

As described by Capcom’s associate social media manager Kellen Haney on the PlayStation Blog, Exoprimal takes place in the year 2043, and sees players take control of an exofighter – an exosuit-wearing warrior who must battle swarms of dinosaurs, both small and large, which have started entering our world through mysterious vortexes, threatening to drive humanity toward extinction.

Exosuit yourself

Designed to be experienced primarily in multiplayer co-op, players will have to “coordinate and select a strategic combination of suits” in order to achieve victory against their new velociraptor and t-rex foes.

Each exosuit is said to have its own unique abilities and weapons, along with a clearly defined role on each team. Players will also be able to change their chosen exosuit at any time during a mission, giving said teams the ability to adjust their strategy on the fly.

The Roadblock is one such exosuit, which features a large tank-like frame with a strong shield which is said to “hold off hundreds of raptors” in order to protect your team.

Exoprimal will release in 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Steam. You can watch Exoprimal’s dino-tastic reveal trailer in the State of Play video below.

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