Ah, the 4th of July: that traditional time of year when we hunker down in our homes and shop for mattresses and vacuum cleaners to make more months of quarantine comfortable. This year might not look like celebrations we’ve had in years past. Still, if you’re looking for something to distract you from all the big barbecues that aren’t happening, we scoured the internet high and low for sales and discounts on home appliances, mattresses, and more.
We also have a separate roundup on the Best 4th of July Outdoor Gear Deals, so check it out if you’re planning a (safe) camping trip with your quarantine bubble.
Mattress Deals
Many of the mattresses in our Best Mattresses guide are now on sale. We linked to queen size beds, but you can click through to find the mattress in your preferred size.
Helix Sleep Midnight Luxe Mattress for $1,599 ($200 off): Use code FOJ200. Reviews Editor Jeffrey Van Camp actually fell asleep while testing Helix’s hybrid mattress in a noisy room full of other testers and mattresses. The individually wrapped coils are firmer in areas where you need more support, like your lower spine.
Allswell Supreme Hybrid Mattress for $837 ($148 off): Use code SLEEP15. Jeffrey also loved the Allswell, which feels much more expensive than it actually is.
Birch Natural Mattress for $1,299 ($200 off): Use code FOJ200. WIRED writer Louryn Strampe loves this mattress, and no wonder—it’s the eco-friendly mattress line made by Helix, which makes our favorite mattress above.
Brooklyn Signature Hybrid Queen Mattress for $750 ($250 off): Use code INDEPENDENCE25. Jeffrey liked this mattress so much he bought the firm version and slept on it for a few years.
Layla Memory Foam Queen Mattress for $849 ($150 off): You can flip Layla’s mattress to pick the soft or firm side, depending on your sleeping preferences.
Tuft & Needle Mint Queen Mattress for $845 ($150 off): One of the best parts of this unusually squishy mattress is a layer of ceramic gel foam that both provides support and disperses heat.
Tulo Medium Queen Mattress for $399 ($300 off): This is the best affordable yet customizable foam mattress that we found.
Leesa Queen Hybrid Mattress for $1,499 ($200 off): Like the Helix, Jeffrey says the Leesa is one of the best picks on the market. It’s also a hybrid mattress, with a soft-but-firm, pressure-relieving feel.
Nectar Memory Foam Queen Mattress for $799 ($399 off): If you’re a side sleeper, this is our favorite pick.
Home Appliance Deals