Image for article titled 6 Ways Uncanny AT&T Ads Predicted the Future in 1993

Screenshot: Lucas Ropek/YouTube

Selleck asks us if we’ve ever gotten a phone call on our wrist. The commercial then shows a guy in a peacoat kneeling on a rock in the middle of what looks like Yosemite National Park, while a woman asks him via his watch how his day has been. “Beautiful,” he says, smiling and gazing up at the sky.

Somehow, “You Will” knew that in a couple decades every doofus would be wearing an overly expensive smart watch that could substitute as a phone and/or a health monitor. That’s cool, though this part of the ad strikes me as odd. I mean, what was that guy supposed to be doing out there anyway? Burying a corpse? He doesn’t look dressed for camping—that’s all I’m saying…

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