The long-awaited sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is now in production. Nick Kondo, lead animator at Sony Imageworks, posted that it was his first day working on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2 earlier this week. The animated feature film has a scheduled release date of October 7, 2022. 

Here’s confirmation from Kondo that he’s started working on the movie:

The Spider-Verse sequel will continue the story of Miles Morales. Not much else is known about the film, but it’s expected that the popular Spider-Gwen character from the first film, voiced by Hailee Steinfeld, will reappear. The post-credits sequence of the first movie, too, teases the appearance of Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man of 2099, played by Oscar Isaac. 

We’re also going to see Takuya Yamashiro in the sequel, who was Toei’s Japanese version of Spider-Man created in the ’70s. Creator and producer Phil Lord confirmed this character had been designed for the sequel back in 2019.

Which other Spider-Man characters could pop up this time?

The MCU’s Spider-Man Tom Holland was meant to have a cameo appearance in the first movie, and co-director Rodney Rothman wrote a scene that included Holland with past Spider-Men Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire, too. Obviously, that didn’t come to pass, but it would be cool if any of them turned up in the sequel.

Spider-Verse, of course, is made by Sony, and not Marvel Studios as the MCU films are. 

The first movie included obscure alternate versions of Spidey, like Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir. The original Spider-Verse comic that the movie was based on also included a British Spider-Man, and a punk version of Spider-Man. 

A sequel could also potentially introduce Mayday Parker, the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson from another universe. Pavitr Prabhakar, introduced in the comic Spider-Man: India back in 2004, is another character that later appeared in the Spider-Verse comic. 

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