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Hello, Wordle fan – we’re pretty sure that you’re here because today is turning into a doozie of problem for thousands. 

We’ve had a nightmare of a day in our Wordle World… and we want you to save yourselves from befalling the same fate with some excellent Wordle hints and – if you need it – the answer. In fact, it’s so tough we’re live-blogging the internet’s reaction to puzzle #256, so come and join if you want to get some hints and great alternatives along the way.

Sadly, it seems many are struggling this morning, with ‘Wordle X/6’ the number one trending term on Twitter – and as you’ll see from our exploits, we’re not happy with how it played out.

Other Wordle tips

Today’s word is both rather easy  (when you see the word) and the worst experience we’ve ever had in Wordle. However, there was nobody around to offer us the hints we needed for today’s Wordle answer, so we’re sucking up the frustration and wanting to help you instead.

And if you can’t be bothered with all that stuff, then just scroll down to the answer. No judgement here.

Today’s Wordle hints from TechRadar

Wordle answer with no correct letters

(Image credit: TechRadar)

We won’t lie: this was a terrible day in the Wordle office for us. Just terrible. Is it because we’re up late and tired? Or are the Wordle overlords just deciding today is the day that things need to be ‘shaken up?’

Either way, we’re having a difficult time loving Wordle now, as you’ll see in the answer section below. 

But, we don’t want you to suffer the same fate, so here are the key hints you need to save your streak:

  1. There is one vowel
  2. It ends with a CH
  3. (This is the big one)… it starts with a W.

That last one will hopefully save you from the same fate that befell us. 

Wordle solver tools

WordFinderX - game for beating Wordle home page

(Image credit: WordFinderX)

Instead of scrolling to the Wordle answer section below, why not try a 5 letter word generator? There are loads of great tools online that can help you learn a bit more about the world of Wordle and how to get the right letters first – how about you check one of those out?

WordFinderX:allows you to put in letters at the start and the end if you know them and, crucially: allows you to enter any letters that don’t fit.

WordTips:  same as WordFinder X but with a slightly kinder UI. 

The Free Dictionary: lets you use ‘contains’, ‘ends with’ or ‘starts with’ – as well as ‘unscramble’.

TryHardGuides Wordle Solver: great for the mobile, pop in the position of the correct, misplaced and wrong letters, and get recommendations based on popularity.

And finally – check out this useful grid that shows the hottest letter pairings – it can really help focus your mind.

Right, now you can have the Wordle answer for today…

Today’s Wordle Answer #265 (Mar 11)

Today's Wordle answer on black background

(Image credit: TechRadar / NY Times)

So, today’s Wordle answer is WATCH.

No, it wasn’t LATCH.

It was not CATCH.

It was not BATCH.

It was not MATCH.

It’s not HATCH.

Oh, and it wasn’t PATCH.

It was WATCH. 

Which, by the way, when you’ve gone through loads of words putting the emphasis on the A in the word, rather than the soft form for WATCH, it’s easy to miss.

Are we bitter? Yes. Very. This was a terrible way to lose the streak.

At least we can console ourselves with the fact that this is one of the hardest puzzles of all time – look at the early spikes in Google Trends, combined with the aforementioned fact it’s trending on Twitter:

today's wordle answer on Google trends

(Image credit: Google)

We suppose we should do our jobs here: What’s the definition of WATCH?

It can either be a noun, meaning to observe something for a period of time:

Dave kept watch on the clock. It was nearly sweetie time. He couldn’t wait.

Or a timepiece for the wrist:

Dave kept looking at his watch to see if it was sweetie time.

Or it can be a verb:

Dave watched all the other children at school eating their gobstoppers. He was sad.

How did you do?

It’s not your fault that you’ve struggled today – it’s going to be the same for lots, and lots of people.

How about that time you did it really well? WordleStats is a daily bot that sucks in all of the Tweets about performance in Wordle and spots how epople have done.

MONTH, number #263, was a bit easuer – with only 1% of people failing and a fairly low 8% managing it by the sixth attempt.

Most people did it in four goes – how did you do?

See more

Great Wordle alternatives

What about if you fancy a little bit of something else? Check back daily to see our wonderful list of the best Wordle alternatives and see what tickles your fancy.

The user screen of Scholardle, showing a menu screen like Wordle's

(Image credit: Writeful)

Like Wordle but find it too easy? Like to read academic journals? Like funny groups off letters?

Then Scholardle is for you. Just the same as Wordle (but with five attempts), players need to try and guess the word with green and yellow letter blocks as an option.

It’s fiendishly hard, but if you’re into a little world of academia perhaps you might find it easier. 

We did not.



(Image credit: Heardle)

Like Wordle but with music, Heardle gets you short little bursts of music to guess and you’ve got six attempts to do it in.

OK, there aren’t that many similarities to the main game, but you do get the same amount of attempts, it does check against a ‘dictionary’ of songs, you can get a new puzzle daily and it allows you to do the same green-and-yellow posting to Twitter.

Wordle Unlimited

TechRadar winning a Wordle Unlimited game

(Image credit: Wordle Unlimited)

Love a bit of Wordle but annoyed it only lasts one day? Well, why don’t you try Wordle Unlimited, the hugely unofficial game where you can play as many times as you like – and we’ve got all you need to know on how to use and play Wordle Unlimted ready for you.


The starting screen to a game of Nerdle

(Image credit: Future)

Such a different game to Wordle, but it gives your brain a different workout. Consider Wordle your long, steady state run and then Nerdle being the HIIT workout you (inexplicably) do next.

You’re asked to enter a sum of 8 numbers or symbols long… and apart from knowing it has to have some numbers and an equals in there, that’s all you get.

It’s a great play – plus there’s an ‘Instant Nerdle’ that shows you one line of semi-correct entries in the wrong place… and it’s up to you to get it. Lovely.

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