Batman Unburied Podcast Preview Trailer: Spotify Goyer

So it arguably makes sense that Batman Unburied will definitely not be a traditional Bat-story. Certainly, Duke’s Bruce Wayne has something the character has never had before: a day job. Here’s the official synopsis:

Batman Unburied is a psychological thriller that will take listeners on a new journey deep into the mind of Bruce Wayne, introducing a slew of dark twists and turns with a number of classic Batman Super-Villains. When audiences meet Bruce Wayne he is a forensic pathologist, working in the bowels of Gotham Hospital and tasked with examining the victims of The Harvester, a gruesome serial killer preying on Gotham’s citizens. Not only will Wayne be forced to face his own mental demons, but he will also have to overcome them to save the citizens of Gotham as his alter-ego Batman.”

I would bet those “classic Batman Super-Villains” will be voiced by a number of surprise celebrities, and it’ll be interesting to see how far off the beaten Bat-path Goyer and his crew are willing to take their interpretation of Batman. You can find out for yourself when the Spotify-exclusive Batman Unburied debuts on May 3.

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