This 3D-Printed 35mm Movie Camera Is a DIY Marvel

Ikeya also chose to shoot on more affordable C-41 based photographic 35mm film instead of the pricier stocks used by the motion picture industry. For the test footage they captured, Ikeya spliced two rolls of Ilford HP5+ film which is loaded into a custom 3D-printed film cartridge which is then inserted into the camera.

The captured footage has a very distinct lo-fi aesthetic that suffers from issues like light leak and gate weave. Without knowing where the footage came from, it would be easy to dismiss it as being overly artsy, but the fact that it was captured by a DIY 3D-printed film camera instead leaves us incredibly impressed with what Ikeya has achieved. There’s obvious room for improvement, which is why we’re really hoping that Ikeya decides to eventually share the printable plans for the camera so that the 3D-printing community can contribute ways to upgrade its performance and improve the captured results.