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Your weekly meetings and catch-ups could soon be plastered all over the internet thanks to a new Google Meet update.

The video conferencing platform has announced that users will now be able to live stream their video activity directly to YouTube, whether meetings, presentations or any other content.

The news could raise the possibility of Handforth Parish Council rivals for budding Jackie Weavers everywhere, with internal meetings or presentations being shared with the whole YouTube user base.

Google Meet YouTube

In a Google Workspace update blog post (opens in new tab) announcing the news, the company noted that the feature will not be on by default, needing an admin to enable it first.

Users will also need to make sure their YouTube channel is approved for live streaming in advance, something the company warns can take up to 24 hours to sort out.

They will then be able to initiate a live stream in Meet by navigating to the Activities panel > Live Streaming and selecting their channel from the list.

“Live streaming is useful in situations where you want to present information to large audiences outside of your organization, giving them the opportunity to pause and replay as needed, or view the presentation at a later time,” the company said.

The feature is rolling out now, and will be available to Google Workspace Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, Teaching and Learning Upgrade customers.

The move brings Google Meet up to speed with its great rival Zoom, which recently announced plans to let users live stream meetings on Twitch (opens in new tab). The change will allow users to livestream their meeting or webinar to Twitch directly, rather than manually configuring the stream as a custom livestreaming service.

Google also recently announced a significant expansion to its Chat software, which will now support spaces with up to 8,000 members, something it says is ideal for including everyone in an organization into a central group for the quick delivery of vital messages.

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