Colombian OnlyFans actress Katty Blake has become national news in the Latin American country after she posted a video of herself performing oral sex at the Rock of Guatapé, a 721-foot-high (220 meters) batholith that is considered a national landmark. Now, her and her partner may face legal trouble.

Blake, who goes by her stage name, published the video to Pornhub a week ago, where it has since racked up more than 170,000 views. The video shows her and a man named Zac, Blake’s boyfriend and manager, walking down the rock’s seemingly endless amount of stairs (it has 702), looking around to see if there was anybody around, and then engaging in oral sex. The Rock of Guatapé is approximately 65 million years old and is considered a natural marvel.


An aerial of the Rock of Guatapé. OnlyFans actress Katty Blake and her boyfriend filmed a sex video there.

The Rock of Guatapé is situated between the towns of Guatapé and El Peñol in the Antioquia region of Colombia.
Photo: Tripulante (Shutterstock)

The video was posted to the PornHub account shared by both Blake and Zac, where they have more than 22,400 subscribers. Blake is also active on OnlyFans, where she charges $15 per month for access to her content. On Instagram, Blake cheekily acknowledged that it was her in the video, pinning a photo of her in front of the Rock of Guatapé to her Instagram profile with the caption: “Beautiful places.” She also posted a short statement in a meme reaction video.



“CC: They criticize me for making porn videos in public places when in fact what I do is turn them into historical monuments,” Blake said on April 4.

Zac also uploaded an Instagram video identifying himself as the man in the video.


The video sparked national outrage and generated widespread media coverage in Colombia. Residents in Guatapé, a resort town about 93 miles (150 kilometers) from the city of Medellín, claims the batholith as its own and seemed to be particularly peeved, primarily because it wasn’t the first case of public indecency in the town. At around the same time of the video, two drunk and naked tourists ran through the town’s streets, prompting local authorities to search for them and send their case over to Colombia’s immigration department.

La Piedra, the tourist center that manages the Rock of Guatapé, said in statement on Instagram that it makes a huge effort to protect the morality of the landmark and promote good behavior among visitors. It announced that it would be taking legal action against all the people involved in the video.


“We strongly reject the actions of the people who have used our landmark to create a pornographic video,” La Piedra stated on April 5. “We’re going to carry out the appropriate investigations in order to begin taking legal action against any person involved in this obscene act, which not only affects our name, but also the name of the municipality of Guatapé and the region. We will take the necessary steps to ensure that these situations do not repeat themselves.”

The video also prompted responses from people in Colombia’s legal community. Claudia Carrasquilla Minami, a former federal prosecutor, denounced Blake and Zac on Twitter.


“It’s completely unacceptable for people to record sex videos in public places like Peñol Rock [another name for the Rock of Guatapé in reference to the town of El Peñol],” she said on April 4. “The community has made it clear that it rejects these acts and we should come together to condemn this type of behavior.”


In an Instagram statement acknowledging his role in the video, Blake’s boyfriend, Zac, said he didn’t expect for the video to go viral and that it had been casual, not planned. However, the most important thing that stood out to him was sensationalist tone and criticism in the media coverage about the video when, in his words, “the country is in fucking shit.”

“It’s really random to read all of these comments from older women saying that we deserve to be jailed or fined,” Zac said, noting his bewilderment at the uproar. “It’s as if those women who criticize us wear blindfolds. They don’t criticize the other serious things happening. Rather, they get scandalized over a sexual video or a blow job, as if these women with 10 or 20 kids are saying, ‘no, sex is bad, oh my God, no.’”

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