The fourth episode of Star Wars: Ahsoka has everyone talking about that one big, major cameo at the end. But, as people tend to say in Star Wars, “There is another….” Earlier in the episode someone else appears. Someone who’s sure to melt the hearts of Star Wars fans everywhere, but it happens so fast, you almost certainly missed it.

Image for article titled Ahsoka Had Another Major Cameo You Definitely Missed


Early on in the episode, when Hera and Jacen Syndulla board the Ghost (around the 10:30 mark, if you want to dash to Disney+) there is a blink-and-you-’ll-miss-it moment where we see Hera has a photo looking back up at her in the cockpit. It’s someone she loved once. Someone she obviously still loves, but died several years prior. Jacen’s father and a character that has yet to be named on Ahsoka. None other than the late Jedi Knight, Ghost crew member, and co-star of Star Wars Rebels Kanan Jarrus. Don’t believe us?


Screenshot: Disney+



Yes, it’s blurry, yes it’s small, but that’s Kanan Jarrus—you can just see his goatee, and his pulled back hair. His first appearance, in fact, on Ahsoka outside of the mural. And it’s important because in a show that stars Hera, Chopper, Sabine, Ahsoka, and is about those three finding Ezra, the show has yet to really dig into Ezra’s Jedi master and love of Hera’s life. (There’s also Zeb, the final member of the Rebels team, who has yet to be acknowledged but at least we saw him on The Mandalorian.)

With this cheeky Kanan cameo, the question then becomes, who is actually in the photo in our world? Is it an actor playing Kanan? Is it some digital amalgamation? Or is it just the animated version from Rebels? We’ve reached out to Lucasfilm to see if they’ll comment and will update this post if they do.

It’s a big day though. Kanan appeared on Star Wars Rebels. Maybe it’s a sign he has a bigger part to play in the story moving ahead. The show sure isn’t shy about showing other dead Jedi. But more on that later today.

Watch the fourth episode of Ahsoka here.

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