Remember how proud you were of the stickman riding a skateboard flipbook you made in your high school chemistry textbook? Had you continued improving your skills, this is where you’d be now: creating flipbooks of famous movie scenes, including Bruce Banner hulking out during the climactic final battle in The Avengers.


According to the artist (who’s based in New Zealand according to their YouTube profile, and goes by “dP Art Drawing” across their social media) it took 62 days to draw the 1,093 individual pencil sketches needed to make this flipbook animation that recreates Mark Ruffalo’s memorable “I’m always angry” scene. It required an additional 33 days to photograph all of the frames and assemble them into this video.

Spending three months on a flipbook animation sounds like a huge investment of time with questionable benefit, but think back to how you spent the past 95 days riding out the pandemic. Sure, you have a deep knowledge of everything currently available on Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime, but that’s not exactly going to enhance your resume. This artist spent their time honing their craft and has a fantastic flipbook to show for their efforts (plus 27 million views and counting) that will probably help their demo reel shine.


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