Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | $50 | Walmart
Luigi’s Mansion 3 | $50 | Walmart
Animal Crossing: New Horizons | $50 | Walmart

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | $50 | Walmart
Luigi’s Mansion 3 | $50 | Walmart
Animal Crossing: New Horizons | $50 | Walmart
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

Best Gaming DealsBest Gaming DealsThe best deals on games, consoles, and gaming accessories from around the web, updated daily.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | $50 | Walmart
Luigi’s Mansion 3 | $50 | Walmart
Animal Crossing: New Horizons | $50 | Walmart


Over at Walmart, you can get some of Nintendo’s popular first party titles for $50. Most gamers know that Nintendo games are slow to drop in price, so this is a pretty great deal! We’ve been seeing this $10 discount at other retailers, most notably Amazon, but Walmart has a few titles that are currently unique to them!

The recently released and super popular Animal Crossing: New Horizons is on that list. If you’ve been wondering what all the fuss was about, now’s your chance to give it a try! Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Luigi’s Mansion 3 are also a part of that sale, and are both great games in their own right. Grab some copies before it’s too late!


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