Labor Day sales are the harbingers of the holiday shopping season. This year may be different in many ways, but the onslaught of autumn deals have begun on cue. Below are the best price drops on our favorite gear.

We also have specific roundups for outdoor gear and mattresses, which are two categories where Labor Day sales can outshine even those of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Finally, we may be biased, but through Labor Day, you can get one full year of WIRED for $5 ($25 off). Subscriptions also help support the work we do every day. Have a good weekend!

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Tech Deals

Galaxy S20 Phone
The Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus in “Cloud Blue.”Photograph: Samsung 
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 6 Lite Tablet for $278 ($72 off): This is the best price we’ve seen for Samsung’s handy little tablet. The S Pen is included. For those who don’t want an iPad, senior associate editor Julian Chokkattu called this “a decent alternative” in his in-depth review.

  • Samsung Galaxy Buds+ Wirefree Earbuds for $130 ($20 off): It may not seem like a steep discount, but this matches the best price we’ve seen, and it’s only happened once before. WIRED recommends these earbuds, despite the lack of active noise canceling, and the price is valid on every available color. (Including that gorgeous Cloud Blue.)

  • Samsung Galaxy S20 for $850 ($150 off): This 2020 phone is truly beautiful, and it comes in colorways that match the aforementioned Buds+. In our review, we said it was nearly flawless, with one of the only detractions being the price. While still expensive, this is the best deal we’ve seen since springtime. You might be able to save again as we get closer to the holidays, but if you don’t want to wait, this deal is worthwhile.

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Outdoor Deals

Image may contain Vehicle Transportation Canoe Rowboat Kayak and Boat
Folding KayakPhotograph: IDEO-Nicolas Zurcher
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