Clockwise from left to right: Benjamin Currie (Gizmodo); Permuted Press; Mandel Ngan (Getty Images); Вести Ямал

Clockwise from left to right: Benjamin Currie (Gizmodo); Permuted Press; Mandel Ngan (Getty Images); Вести Ямал
Graphic: Various

We’re in September, y’all. I just…I can’t right now. I keep remembering that fact when I feel the errant chilly breeze when I’m out walking my dog or catch sight of stores selling Halloween decorations and it keeps blowing my mind. Nine months! We’re nine months into 2020 and yet 2019 feels like a lifetime ago.


And crazy news weeks like this one just make time feel that much soupier. The great folks at Gizmodo covered some wild stories this week, from ancient singing dogs that started reappearing in the wild after they were thought to be extinct to how Facebook is helping voters follow President Donald Trump’s baffling instructions on how to commit a felony. We also asked experts what on Earth our social lives will even look like after this pandemic, broke down why you should be concerned that Siberia’s tundra is exploding (again), and finally got a look at The New Mutants after it spent what feels like forever in Hollywood purgatory.

You can read all these blogs and more below:








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