Hi, everybody. I’m Mary Beth, the science editor at The Verge.

This month we’re officially launching a newsletter version of Antivirus, a column that we’ve been quietly rolling out on the site every Saturday morning. It’s all about the unflagging efforts scientists are making to understand the coronavirus — and figure out how to stop it.

I run our science desk, so the focus of the newsletter is mostly on scientific discoveries and debacles, from the first confirmed reinfections to interpretations of scientific studies that got ahead of themselves. We’ll also highlight the human side of this pandemic — stories from around the internet that showcase how the disease is affecting individual people’s lives.

We’re months into this pandemic, and there’s still so much left to learn and so many lives on the line. With so much at stake, all that information can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Join us each week for the latest, and in the meantime, stay safe out there.

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