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The U.S. is in a holding pattern of horror right now, with the rest of the world is powerless to do anything but look on in confused dismay. 

“Rich ghouls are dismantling the post office, kids can’t go to school, there are massive lines at food banks, we’re nearing 200,000 COVID deaths, and in the West millions of acres have burned,” said Late Night host Seth Meyers on Monday. “The air itself is a health hazard and the sky is literally orange. I mean, holy shit. This looks like a scene from Total Recall.”

There’s a desperate need for strong leadership and compassion solutions. However, in a bizarre but unfortunately characteristic move, President Donald Trump’s campaign has instead attempted to blame this crisis on… Joe Biden. You know, the guy who hasn’t been the U.S. president for the past four years.

“Last week the Trump campaign released an ad with the text ‘This is Joe Biden’s America,'” said Meyers. “I mean, he does live here, but that’s about it. By the same token, this is Ben Affleck’s America.”

In the same breath, Republicans have been incensed at the suggestion that President Trump might bear some responsibility for the increasingly Mad Max-like conditions engulfing the U.S. 

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel even stated she considers it “disgusting to take a crisis in our country and try to lay it at the feet of the president.”

“I’m not sure it is disgusting to take a crisis in our country and lay it at the feet of the guy who’s in charge of our country,” said Meyers. “Seriously, you guys are the party of ‘personal responsibility,’ except when the person is Donald Trump.”

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