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Toilet Paper (80 Rolls) | $46 | Amazon

Bio Bidet Slim Edge | $27 | Amazon | Clip Coupon

Remember back in March where everyone was buying toilet paper like it was their job and it was actually going to protect them against Covid-19? Yeah, me too. Well, if you still feel like stacking up, you Amazon Commercial is offering 80 rolls of toilet paper as a part of their fall sale for $46. I don’t know what you’re going to do with 80 rolls, but I’m sure you’ll find a use for it, especially if you’re not picky about what exactly wipes your ass.


But, if you are feeling picky, Amazon is offering a Bio Bidet for a low, low $27 with a clipped coupon. Apparently you don’t need a plumber to install this bad boy and you can get dual nozzle spray options for a clean backside. Nothing more to say really. Just practice good hygiene.


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