They say size doesn’t matter, but it’s tough to ignore it when it comes to Call of Duty patches. True to the meme, Inifnity Ward has dropped yet another massive update for the new Season 6 of Modern Warfare and Warzone. So consider this a friendly reminder: if you’re hoping to get in on the action today, you better start downloading it now.

The update is already available for download for all platforms. Here’s how much “damage” you can expect to your hard drive. Warning: it’s a lot. Let’s start with the worst.

  • PC: owners of Modern Warfare need to free up a little over 57GB. The Warzone-only update is 22.5GB, though.
  • PlayStation 4: you lucky bastards are getting away with only 19.3GB.
  • Xbox: Better than PC, worse than PS4 — 22.66GB.

So that’s that.

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To my EU brethren, who often have to put up with sluggish download speeds, don’t sweat it: you can try connecting to a US/Canada VPN — downloads are sometimes faster that way in my experience.

Among other things, the biggest change to Verdansk in Season 6 will be the addition of a brand new subway system, which Infinity Ward promises will be the fastest way to navigate across the map. Perfect, because I was never really a fan of Warzone‘s vehicles to start with.

Anyways, I’m already 20 gigs into the update. See you in the gulag.

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City cape coral.