TLDR: The Complete 2020 Microsoft Excel Expert Bundle might open your eyes to everything Excel can really do, all for under $30.
If you’ve already got some background using Microsoft Excel, congratulations — you’re among 800,000 people worldwide using the planet’s most robust data analysis tool. Of course, just because 800,000 people have it and have used it doesn’t mean they know how to use it well.
After 40 years in the data game, Excel users have developed tricks on top of tricks to help accomplish virtually every numbers-driven task that could ever be done. If you’re interested in joining the ranks of the Excel uber-elite, the training found in The Complete 2020 Microsoft Excel Expert Bundle ($29.99, 89 percent off from TNW Deals) can take you a long way toward unlocking all the talents hidden within the software’s still vital depths.
This isn’t beginner-level training, but if you’ve already got a good handle on how basic Excel operations work, this four-course, 20-plus hour collection can take you the rest of the way toward becoming a true expert.
With Microsoft Excel 2019: Advanced, we’ll delve into high-level consolidation, analysis and reporting techniques that the introductory classes don’t teach. With this instruction, you’ll understand how to do advanced charting and graphing, how to create visualizations using sparklines and data bars, detailed formatting even stuff like how to calculate interest or depreciation all in Excel.
Next, Power Pivot, Power Query and DAX in Excel dig into some of the app’s most popular higher functions, including how to bring our data together, merge it with other number sets and then clean it all up in Power Query. DAX is a formula language that helps to high-impact calculations in Excel, then you can see the results of all your work in a PivotTable.
Finally, VBA for Beginners and VBA Intermediate helps you understand the very programming language that runs Excel. Once you understand how Excel does what it does, you can then use VBA to program Excel to do even more of what you want, including advanced automation techniques and other processes that can shave hours off your work time.
Getting all this advanced Excel knowledge is usually a $275 value, but with the current deal, the whole package is available now for only $29.99.
Prices are subject to change.
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