Clockwise from top life: Los Alamos National Lab, Joanna Nelius, Getty, and Buena Vista Television/NBC.

Clockwise from top life: Los Alamos National Lab, Joanna Nelius, Getty, and Buena Vista Television/NBC.
Graphic: See above.

As we all try to adjust to our current new reality, I have some thoughts to share with you all. I have come to realize that it is likely that for the next few months, or year, we will have to learn to live with dry, papery hands. At least, that’s what my hands feel like because of all the soap and hand sanitizer in my life.


After surveying some friends, I have found that I am not alone. All things considered, it’s a good problem to have because it means that my hands are clean. It also means that in my neck of the woods, the hand sanitizer has returned!

Now let’s talk about why you all clicked on this blog in the first place. Gizmodo had some great stories this week, and we’ve gathered the best ones for you.


In these times, I find myself thinking about questions that I do not know the answers to, such as what flowers can survive in the shade. Gizmodo thinks about those things too, but in this case the question is much more compelling than my gardening query, specifically, “How do we know the nukes still work?” 

We’ve also tackled more important topics, including gadgets that seem like must-haves during the pandemic. Yes folks, we reviewed a hot dog toaster that toasts both hot dogs and hot dog buns at the same time. Nonetheless, it was unfortunately a piece of shit.

Finally, we decided to investigate a strange tweet by Dr. Phil. The tweet was simple, “BIG KNIFE! SMALL WIFE!” It was followed by a picture of Dr. Phil with a big knife next to his “small” wife about to gobble a morsel of food way too big for her mouth. Simply put, the investigation is just as intriguing as the tweet.

You can find all of these blogs and more below!













Predicted gross volume. Announcement for our beta release of our new ui.