Hola pandemic pals,

I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. I’ve also got some great news (I’ll get to that later) and then I’ve got the regular news (which, as usual, is mostly horrible).

The good news: 2020 is coming to an end. The bad news: It’s taking Coronavirus in Context with it.

We’re sunsetting this newsletter because it’s run its course.

The pandemic still rages around us. And, yes, there are several amazing vaccines on the way. There really is a lot going on and a lot more to be said about COVID-19. But this newsletter was always meant to be temporary.

We’ll publish our final edition on Tuesday 22 December.

This newsletter means a lot to me. I was given complete creative freedom with it and, because of that, it’s been the most challenging and rewarding thing I’ve done as a journalist.

But it’s the readers who shaped it. Your feedback, responses, and willingness to participate in the discourse is what defined my coverage.

Together we explored COVID-19 through the context of the Black Lives Matter movement, the queer struggle, and as global citizens who want the best for our communities.

We’ve discussed the technology, science, medicine, and politics of the pandemic and we’ve even gotten personal. It’s been a wonderful journey, but I’m glad it’s over.

Because it’s time to take all this perspective we’ve gained, the “context” we’ve found, if you will, and use it to move forward. We know what we need to do to get the pandemic under control. It’s time to mask up and sort out the future.

And here comes the great news:

For me and Neural, the AI section I edit here at TNW, that means a brand-new artificial intelligence newsletter in 2021! Details coming soon.