Only yesterday we reported that WhatsApp was getting closer to rolling out multi-device support. Now, in yet another update to the app, there are further signed that the much-requested feature is nearly ready for general release.

In the newly released WhatsApp beta for Android, some users are seeing an updated interface that gives a sneaky glimpse at how the linked devices screen will look. This is the interface that will be used to configure the app for use across multiple devices when the feature eventually rolls out.

Even if you are running this very latest version of the WhatsApp beta, it is possible that you won’t see the user interface changes. For now, it appears that WhatsApp is only giving a select group of beta users a peak at how things are going to look in the future.

But as WABetaInfo reveals with screenshots from the beta version of the app, the new Linked Devices interface will not only make it easy to add new devices to your account, but also to manage those that you have already linked.

Just like the version of the app we wrote about yesterday, version is only available to anyone who is lucky enough to be part of the WhatsApp beta program. If you’re not currently a beta user, there are unfortunately no more spaces available for new sign-ups, but you can keep an eye out for openings here.

For now, the new interface is a purely visual affair; while it gives a nice hint of things to come, it’s still not possible to use the Linked Device interface to actually activate multi-device support.

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