After we’ve spent almost a full year wearing masks due to the pandemic, Apple is finally giving users the ability to unlock their phones via Face ID while wearing a mask. The feature isn’t available yet though — it’s currently part of the developer beta for iOS 14.5.

It’s also not as easy as simply swiping up on your lock screen. According to Engadget, the feature only works if you’re also wearing an Apple Watch

If the smartwatch is unlocked, all you need to do is stare at your iPhone with your mask on (the same way you normally would with facial recognition) and the phone will automatically unlock. Your Apple Watch will also notify you each time you unlock the phone.

But don’t get too excited — the report points out that it won’t work for other features that require Face ID, such as approving App Store purchases.

Additionally, the feature won’t be automatically turned on upon downloading the new iOS. Users will have to manually turn it on themselves.

This feature has been a long time coming. Last April, the company released a statement to the Wall Street Journal explaining why Face ID can’t work with masks. 

“Face ID is designed to work with your eyes, nose, and mouth visible,” an Apple spokeswoman said to the publication. “Users can still unlock their devices while wearing a mask by entering their passcode.”

A little over a month later, Apple released iOS 13.5, which allowed users to skip Face ID completely and jump straight into entering their passcode if the phone detected they were wearing a mask.

While this new feature seems a lot easier, it’s not all that inclusive considering you need an Apple Watch in order for it to work. Thankfully, you have more affordable options that don’t require dropping hundreds of dollars for a new smartwatch.

For starters, users have the option to turn Face ID off completely, opting to enter their passcode each time instead. And, if you’re feeling up to the challenge, there’s also a hack you can try: Cover half your mouth with a mask and scan an alternate Face ID appearance.

And, if all those options fail, I beg you not to use it as an excuse to go out and buy an Apple Watch. Please just enter your passcode. I promise it’s really not that hard.

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