Many people wisely celebrate Pi Day by eating a heaping slice of delicious pie. But this year, why not take your celebration a step further and challenge yourself to memorize a few digits of the mathematical constant, too?

Since Pi Day is celebrated every March 14, you likely know that the numbers 3.14 kick off the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. But a fun, interactive Easter egg in Google’s calculator is here to test and enhance your pi knowledge with a creative memory game.

To get in on the action, navigate to Google’s calculator by typing “calculator,” “pi,” or “Pi Day” into Google’s search bar. The search engine’s regular calculator tool will pop up, but in the upper lefthand corner of the screen you’ll notice a sparkly little pi symbol just begging for a click.

Celebrate Pi Day with a fun Google calculator Easter egg

Image: google

Once you click on the symbol, the calculator takes on a life of its own and types in 3.14. Then it’s your move. Repeat 3.14 successfully and the calculator will challenge you to remember another digit, and so on, and so forth quite possibly forever and ever because doesn’t pi go on indefinitely?

If you’re up for the challenge and think your skills might be a match for Google’s little know-it-all calculator, by all means give it a whirl. Challenge yourself to memorize at least one more pi digit than you knew yesterday, and keep track of your high score with help from Google.

The interactive experience is a fun throwback to those memory games everyone used to play as kids, but I will say, it’s still not as much fun as eating a piece of pie. So be sure to do that as well.

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