The big boat is no longer stuck. After days of rapt attention from the internet, a non-metaphorical rising tide has indeed lifted all the boats — and particularly, the Evergreen Marine Corporation’s Ever Given cargo ship — reopening the Suez Canal to regular shipping traffic and ensuring that the precious lifeblood of capitalism can continue to flow freely.

Naturally, Google is celebrating this simultaneously momentous and absurd moment in human history the only way it knows how: an Easter egg in Google searches for the phrases “Suez Canal” and “Ever Given” that show a tiny parade of cute lil’ emoji boats marching across your screen, just like the (much bigger) boats that can now (less cutely, one presumes) float their way through the aforementioned canal.

There’s probably a larger metaphor to be made about the flow of information on the internet that Google search facilities and the similarly unrepressed flotilla of real-world cargo now making its way through the canal, if you really wanted to. Or you can just enjoy the fun emoji.

Float on, little boats.

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