TLDR: For under $30, you can score $750 worth of prime ADT home security equipment from Safe Haven Security, as well as some other brilliant goodies.

Protecting your home and everything inside its walls might be the most important job you have. Yesterday, now, and tomorrow. Period. End of sentence.

Considering home security is central to literally everything you hold dear, a ridiculous deal to help protect that home should be on your radar whenever the blue moon opportunity arises.

That opportunity is today, courtesy of Safe Haven Security, one of the nation’s premium home security services. Their offer is simple: you get to choose up to $750 worth of their ADT Home Security equipment. You pay $30. Well, $29.88*, to be exact.

If that sounds like a great offer…well, yeah. It is a great offer.

Here’s how it works. You buy the $750 digital voucher here for $29.88. With that voucher, you can then go through the full roster of home safety equipment offered through Safe Haven Security Services, ADT’s largest authorized dealer. With that kind of versatility, you can assemble the exact equipment you need for your home.

Want a video doorbell? Done. Maybe a camera for your back windows? Done. Do you need broken glass sensors? Get those too. Once you’ve completed your shopping spree, you call Safe Haven, give them the voucher, then they’ll come out and get each and every piece of new equipment installed correctly.

And just when you thought you were already landing a big score…wait, there’s more.

The deal also includes an upgraded 7-inch touchscreen panel, all ready for installation, another $600 value added to your already lopsided exchange. Plus, you also get a set of standard ADT monitoring equipment, which includes sensors for all exterior doors and a motion detector.

Sure, you can always add extra sensors, cameras, and other equipment to further enhance your security, but just with this package, you’ve upped the protection over your home exponentially. And all for less than the price of a decent meal out.

You get to call your own security shots with this ADT-Monitored Home Security Voucher from Safe Haven Security, a $750 value now on sale for just $29.88*.

*With $99.00 customer installation charge and purchase of alarm monitoring services. Early termination fees apply. See important terms and conditions for this offer on the offer page.

Prices subject to change