A sequel to the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is in development, as first reported by Variety. It’s unclear when the film might be released, but Sonic the Hedgehog director Jeff Fowler and screenwriters Pat Casey and Josh Miller are all returning for the sequel.

Fowler confirmed that he’ll be back to direct on Twitter.

Sonic the Hedgehog was a hit for Paramount, earning $70 million in its first four days in theaters this February, according to Variety. However, the film initially had some controversy because of the design of its titular character.

The first design for Sonic’s movie representation was strangely (horrifyingly) humanlike. The backlash to the look was strong enough that Paramount delayed the first movie from November to February to fix Sonic’s appearance. Sonic’s final design looked much better, harkening back his iconic look from the Sonic video games.

“The new Sonic is so adorable that it almost makes up for a pretty generic plot and a human cast that play the roles of ‘heroic’ and ‘bad’ so straight, they could be extras in The Good Place,” said former Verge staffer Dami Lee in her review of the film.

It’s unclear if Ben Schwartz will be back as the voice of Sonic or if Jim Carrey will return as Dr. Robotnik for the sequel, but it seems like a safe bet that they’ll return.

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