Amazon Won’t Cut ‘Hebrews to Negroes’ Film Promoed by Irving


Yet, it seems Jassy had an answer to Greenblatt’s criticism as well. At the Dealbook Summit, he suggested that customer reviews were all the warning necessary for the book and the film.

“The reality is that we have very expansive customer reviews,” Jassy stated. “For books with a lot of attention—especially public attention—customers do a good job of warning other people.”


That depends on what Jassy means by a “good job.” When Gizmodo checked the Amazon page for the Kindle edition of Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America on Thursday morning, the book had an average of 4.5 stars from the 1,798 reviews on the page. Nearly all of the reviews on the first page praised the book. As far as the film goes, it had a 4.4-star rating out of 2,226 reviews. Most of the reviews on the first page were positive.

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