Amazon One: an easier way through your day

In order to access the age verification feature when it rolls out to a location near you, you’ll need to upload photos of the front and back of a government issued ID to the Amazon One webpage as well as a selfie to verify that it’s your ID. Amazon says that this sensitive data will not be stored by Amazon One, claiming that the tech follows an international standard of information security known as ISO 27001. When a customer places their hand above the Amazon One hub, the bartender will see a message confirming that the patron is of age along with their uploaded selfie—so, make sure you look good.


Amazon began touting a palm-based payment in 2020, relying on each human’s unique palm signature to secure their payment—much the way your face/fingerprint or credit card chip would. Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver being the first non-Amazon location to get Amazon One, with the venue primarily using it in place of tickets. Last summer, Amazon announced that it would be bringing Amazon One to over 65 Whole Foods locations across California.

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