AMD launched its latest generation of Ryzen 5000 desktop CPUs (computer processing unit) in November 2020, with mobile counterparts for laptops expected sometime in 2021. We did however, get some interesting information thanks to a now-removed listing on Amazon Italy for an upcoming Acer Aspire 5 laptop powered by AMD Ryzen 5 5700U.
Despite now being removed, the listing for the Acer Aspire 5 A515 was originally discovered by Notebook Check for €779. The listing states that the laptop will be powered by an AMD Ryzen 7 5700U and comes with 8GB DDR4 RAM, 512GB PCIe NVMe SSD, and a 15.6-inch IPS LCD display.
The overall design and port selection for the machine remain unchanged from the previously released Acer Aspire 5.
Next gen mobile CPUs
The only specification mentioned in the listing was that the Ryzen 7 5700U has a base clock of 1.8GHz, though other rumors for this product have mentioned the chip will have 8 cores and 16 threads, with achievable boost clock speeds of 4.3GHz. As the listing has been removed, it’s worth bearing in mind that this could have been an administrative error, though the hardware mentioned makes a compelling argument for this to be a genuine leak.
Regardless of the Amazon listing, we still won’t be expecting to see the Ryzen 5000 mobile processors available in devices until early a rumored reveal at CES 2021. If you were hoping to get your hands on the latest generation of AMD powered laptops, you’ll have to sit tight for now.
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