Illustration for article titled iBobs Burgers/i and iThe Great North/i Have Your Perfect Valentines Day Jam

Screenshot: Fox

Happy Valentine’s Day, my little internet lovebugs. I got you a folded Lisa Frank paper valentine with a temporary tattoo inside, because I love you.

But nothing says “I love you” quite like the Belcher and Tobin families and also farts. Mostly farts. But shared farts. Romance.


Bob’s Burgers and The Great North, which premieres tonight, share more than an animation style. The Great North was created by Bob’s Burgers writers Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin and is co-executive produced by Bob’s Burgers creator Loren Bouchard. Above all else, both shows center around a family that truly loves each other. When their powers combine, they give us the song of the season.

Settle in, get into some non-sexual swinging, and put this sweet tune on repeat.

Bob’s Burgers airs tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern on Fox, followed by the premiere of The Great North.


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