Bud Light, the beer brand produced by Anheuser-Busch, has created a video game console. It’s called the BL6, and yes, it will keep two of your beers cold. It has 16 gigabytes of memory and six games, including Tekken 7 and Soulcalibur VI. It has a built-in Asus projector. It has the form factor of a six-pack of beer.

Look, I’m not going to lie to you: I’m not sure why this exists. I’m not mad at it, though.

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I love drinking beer as much as the next person, and while I don’t usually consume Bud Light, I do have an appreciation for booze companies doing weird video game stunts. (My previous favorite entrant in this category: Miller Lite’s “Cantroller,” which was a can of beer you could game with.)

But the problem with these devices is that they’re impossible to get. You can’t even find a place to cop a Cantroller, and Bud Light’s BL6 is currently going for more than $1,000 at auction. Beer companies, if you’re reading this, please make more dumb stuff like this. It’s good for morale. Even if I can never seem to get my hands on them.

Also, a suggestion, if I may: next time, make a console that cools more than two beers at a time? Gamers need fuel.

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