Two decades after Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired its finale, the show’s universe will take center stage in an new Audible series. Slayers: A Buffyverse Story is co-written and co-directed by OG cast member Amber “Tara” Benson, and will bring back stars from the beloved series like James Marsters (Spike) and Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia).

The audio drama arrives October 12—yep, just in time for spooky season—and will also feature the voices of returning Buffy castmembers Benson, Juliet Landau, Emma Caulfield, James Charles Leary, and Danny Strong, with some notable new additions, like a teen slayer played by Laya DeLeon Hayes. (Sarah Michelle Gellar, who’s said in the past she’s done with Buffy, is not part of this project.) Here’s the plot synopsis, courtesy of an Audible press release, which notes the story begins 10 years after the events that closed out Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s TV run:

“Since then, Spike (James Marsters) has gone deep undercover in Los Angeles, convincing the forces of darkness that he’s back to his evil ways. When his cover is compromised by 16-year-old Indira Nunnally (Laya DeLeon Hayes), Spike finds himself on baby-slayer-sitting duty once more. While he attempts to track down a watcher for his eager new protégé, their paths collide with the veteran Slayer of a parallel reality where Buffy Summers never existed… a reality where Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter) is the one-and-only Slayer. She needs Spike’s help with a classic big bad terrorizing her world… his old flame, Drusilla (Juliet Landau).”


In the release, Marsters sounded extremely excited about the Sunnydale reunion. “I’m ecstatic to be back with my dear friends for this next chapter in the Buffyverse, as we take listeners on a familiar but unexpected journey chock full of horror, passion and mischief,” the actor said. “I’m excited for old and new fans to experience this beloved world of vampire slaying like never before, brought to life through immersive audio storytelling.”

Slayers: A Buffyverse Story premieres October 12 on Audible (you can pre-order through Amazon here); if you’re hitting up New York Comic Con, there’ll be a star-packed panel for the audio drama on October 13, as well as a Slayers-themed activation for attendees.



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