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This Tesla Coil DIY kit is like a really cool science fair project that you can keep forever.
This Tesla Coil DIY kit is like a really cool science fair project that you can keep forever.

Image: oneTesla

TL;DR: Relive the science fair with the DIY Tesla Music Coil Kit, on sale for $399.99 as of Nov. 7. 

Do you see stars, lights, and more whenever you hear music play? Now you can bring what you see in your head to life with the DIY Tesla Music Coil Kit.

This kit contains everything you need to build your own Tesla music coil at home: the full music coil kit, an SD card interrupter with SD playback, and a PDF manual you can download to help you connect all the kit’s tiny pieces.

Here it is playing Bach’s Solfeggietto:

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If you have no idea what to get the cool niece or nephew in your life, or just want to try something new yourself, this kit is the perfect gift or distraction from everything going on in the world. Why not prepare for the long winter with something that’s actually educational?

Normally this kit goes for $449, but for a limited time, it’s on sale for just $399.99.

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