Spider-Man 3 came out in 2007. It made a lot of money, but was a critical flop compared to the first two movies, and Sony then rebooted the franchise several times. But from the ashes of that movie rose one of the greatest social movements of the internet: Bully Maguire.

The thing most people remember about Spider-Man 3 is ‘emo Spiderman‘ — you know, that scene where Spidey gets a Fall Out Boy haircut and does some nearly-NSFW hip thrusts:

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It being 2021 and all, this entire clip is perfect meme fodder. Granted, people have been making Bully Maguire videos for years, starting by editing Tobey Maguire’s Spiderman into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But the meme seems to have really come into its own over the past year. My guess is that’s because people had a lot more time to kill working from home with coronavirus.

Anyway, all this is to say you should watch some Bully Maguire videos. In no particular order:

Bully Maguire fights Harry Potter:

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Bully Maguire destroys the Death Star:

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Bully Maguire competes on Family Feud:

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Bully Maguire is Deadpool:

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Bully Maguire bullies Tobey Maguire:

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I could link some more videos, but by now I imagine the YouTube sidebar recommendation algorithm will work its magic. Enjoy, or I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.

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