Facebook has partnered with India’s Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to launch an online certified curriculum for digital safety, well-being and AR (Augmented Reality) for students and teachers across the country. 

India’s Minister for Human Resource Development (HRD) Ramesh Pokhriyal congratulated Facebook and CBSE on their historic partnership via a twitter post and encouraged all the teachers and students to join the program starting today.

The curriculum aims to ensure online well-being of students while they use the Internet to better their careers. Under the Supervision of the Indian Ministry of HRD, it has been designed to guide students to be responsible digital users and make them identify threats, harassment and report misinformation online.

In collaboration with Facebook-owned Instagram, a guide for building healthy digital habits has been developed with help from JED (JED works for better mmental health among the youth) and YLAC (Young Leaders for Active Citizenship) Foundations. Made for teachers, students and parents, the goal is to improve safety, privacy, mental health of students and ensure the time spent by students on Instagram is inspiring & balanced, understand socio-emotional space better, and engage in healthy conversations online.

Additionally, Facebook will aid the initiative with an AR curriculum. The first of its kind partnership will begin the first phase of training with 10,000 teachers initially delivered by CSR India and extend further to 30,000 students in the second phase. The course will cover fundamentals of Augmented Reality, help them use Spark AR Studio platform which is a platform on Windows/Mac to create AR effects for mobile cameras.

The three-week course will be conducted in batches and implemented by a Bengaluru based SV.CO Digital learning platform. Manoj Ahuja, Chairperson, CBSE said “Incorporating technology and digital safety into school curriculum will ensure students are not only gaining knowledge to succeed in the digital economy but also learning and collaborating in a safe online environment”.

Interested students and teachers can enroll for the courses here. The applications for both the courses begin today and the AR session for teachers start from August 10 while the digital well-being and safety course begins four days earlier.

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