The death of acclaimed actor Chadwick Boseman stunned the world on Friday. A statement via Boseman’s official Twitter account confirmed the 43-year-old star died after a four year struggle with colon cancer.
Over the years, Boseman took on the roles of a number of iconic figures like Jackie Robinson in 42, Thurgood Marshall in Marshall, and James Brown in Get On Up. In 2016, he joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe when Captain America: Civil War introduced the world to King T’Challa of Wakanda. Then, in 2018, he led Black Panther to box office history.
Celebrities, close friends, and members of the Marvel Universe took to Twitter to pay tribute and grieve the loss of a true hero — both onscreen and off.
I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.
Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King💙 pic.twitter.com/oBERXlw66Z
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020
Heartbroken. My friend and fellow Bison Chadwick Boseman was brilliant, kind, learned, and humble. He left too early but his life made a difference. Sending my sincere condolences to his family. pic.twitter.com/C5xGkUi9oZ
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 29, 2020
I don’t have words. Rest In Peace, Bruh. Thank you for all you did while you were here. Thank you for being a friend. You are loved. You will be missed. 🤜🏿🤛🏿 https://t.co/8rK4dWmorq
— Sterling K Brown (@SterlingKBrown) August 29, 2020
Chadwick is an inspiration, a warrior with a big kind heart that I’ll never forget. I’m so deeply heartbroken by his passing. Sending love to the Boseman family … R.I.P. pic.twitter.com/WxA7xOCQps
— Jeremy Renner (@JeremyRenner) August 29, 2020
Breaking my twitter silence to share some beauty. This was one of my final texts from the brilliant & once-in-lifetime talent, @chadwickboseman – take this in & celebrate life. He knew how precious every moment was. Tonight the Heavens received one of its most powerful angels. pic.twitter.com/Hj8Cb1IfZS
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) August 29, 2020
Chadwick…..no words to express my devastation of losing you. Your talent, your spirit, your heart, your authenticity……..It was an honor working beside you, getting to know you….Rest well prince…May flights of angels sing thee to thy heavenly rest. I love you! 💛💛💛 pic.twitter.com/6abglPBOsh
— Viola Davis (@violadavis) August 29, 2020
THANK YOU @chadwickboseman for all you gave us. We needed it & will always cherish it! A talented & giving artist & brother who will be sorely missed🙏🏿 RIP
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) August 29, 2020
Your light brightened our days. It will continue to brighten our hearts and minds. Let the heavens be blessed as you illuminate the sky. Sending my love and prayers to the family. May god continue to hold you in his everlasting embrace. RIP Chadwick pic.twitter.com/wIUaooHLqq
— Forest Whitaker (@ForestWhitaker) August 29, 2020
Chadwick came to the White House to work with kids when he was playing Jackie Robinson. You could tell right away that he was blessed. To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that power to give them heroes to look up to; to do it all while in pain – what a use of his years. https://t.co/KazXV1e7l7
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 29, 2020
Artists bring us experiences and invite us into their worlds of expression.
Don’t belittle a person mourning someone they never “met.”
We met Chadwick in the worlds to which he invited us.
And we mourn. pic.twitter.com/FgeafV8P6W
— Be A King (@BerniceKing) August 29, 2020