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Who needs a contact tracing app when you’ve got Gen-Z internet sleuths to contend with? I jest, of course, but anyone who’s ever been ghosted or treated shoddily in a dating sitch will relate to the above comedy sketch.

Written for Australian comedy group The Chaser by Bec Shaw and Nina Oyama, the “Contact Tracys” sketch envisions a world where two teenagers are placed in charge of contact tracing COVID-19 cases, much to the chagrin of their older colleagues. 

“IDK? Is that your department?” one of them asks. Yes, that is second-hand embarrassment you’re experiencing right now. 

The Contact Tracys’ advice to their OK Boomer co-workers to start a trace? “OK, pretend he’s the guy that ghosted your best friend.” 

Because at the end of the day, is it even a world-class contract tracing system if you’re not checking their Snap Map? 

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