TLDR: CTemplar takes email security to its farthest reaches, offering fully-encrypted, fully-secured email correspondence that always protects you and your sensitive information.
A hacker cracked the Washington, D.C. Metro Police Department and stole 70,000 emails, including many which led to some serious embarrassment and questions about the department. Meanwhile, two years’ worth of emails from several City of Chicago employees were also stolen recently as authorities try to determine the scope of the information that was compromised.
So if agencies like city governments and police departments aren’t safe from having their emails exploited, what chance do the rest of us have from watching our emails fall into the wrong hands?
A lot more than you might think, especially with the resources of CTemplar watching your back. The service essentially drapes every email you send in end to end encryption, assuring that your data will remain safely out of the clutches of those who would steal from or otherwise misuse your correspondence.
TechRadar recently called CTemplar “a young company in the secure email space that’s worth watching,” mostly because CTemplar is a staunchly privacy-conscious outfit.
Their servers are all located in Iceland, a nation with one of the strictest sets of privacy laws in the world. CTemplar can maintain that level of hyper-sensitive protection over your emails because unlike regular emails, messages are always encrypted and always remain only in CTemplar’s servers.
When you email, even to someone who isn’t using CTemplar, that message is encrypted and only available for reviewing to the recipient via a link to CTemplar. Because you retain access to all of your correspondence, you can set emails to self-destruct at a pre-scheduled time or date or even schedule all your emails separately.
CTemplar uses 4096-bit encryption and with their zero knowledge policy, all your information remains under stringent protection at all times. Phishing attacks have almost no chance for success, since it’s virtually impossible to steal your login credentials to access online profiles and personal information. Even CTemplar keeps no record and has no access to your IP address or your encrypted data.
Right now, users can lock into a CTemplar End-to-End Encrypted Email Prime Plan with all those email protection features for a year ($29.99, 68 percent off), 5 years ($99.99, 79 percent off), or for life for only $199.99, a savings of almost 80 percent off the regular price.
Prices are subject to change.