Security firm Check Point has announced alarming new statistics that should make you want to consider installing the best endpoint protection if you haven’t already, with cyberattacks now at a two-year high.

According to the company’s figures, the second quarter of 2023 saw cyberattacks grow 8% year-on-year, and with numerous tickets expected to go on sale this year including the recent sale of Taylor Swift’s tour, the surge could continue.

Among the most affected are the education and research sectors, while Africa and the Asia Pacific region have experienced the highest year-on-year increase in weekly attacks.

Cyberattacks really aren’t going anywhere

Particularly concerning is ransomware, which typically threatens to steal or encrypt data, demanding usually a pretty hefty price. As many as one in 44 businesses now suffer from a ransomware attack every single week.

While education and research remain key targets for cybercriminals, with an average of 2,179 attacks per organization per week, this figure is down 6% compared with the same period in 2022.

Conversely, the government and military sector saw a 9% YoY increase, to 1,772 attacks per week, which is an indication of continued political threats amid ongoing wars. Healthcare saw an even more alarming rise of 30%, now at a rate of 1,744 per week, bringing it almost in line with government attacks.

Not a single region saw a decrease in overall attacks, with Europe seeing the smallest growth of 5%, compared with 23% and 22% for Africa and APAC respectively. APAC also saw a huge growth in ransomware attacks – it, and the Latin Americas, now sees one in 26 organizations attacked by ransomware.

Check Point, like any other company with its hands in cybersecurity, suggests that businesses remain on top of their security patches, choosing prevention over detection. It also recommends regular cyber awareness training for workers, who typically represent many organizations’ weak spots.

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