People all over the world have been under lockdown for weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic. And it’s quite natural to feel anxiety or restlessness while being bombarded with bad news.

Sometimes a few minutes of meditation can help you feel at peace and momentarily forget about all that’s going around the world. Back in school, I had yoga as a subject (perks of being in India), and meditation techniques were an important part of it. We used to gather in a large hall for meditation, and at the end of the session, I used to feel really relaxed.

But if you weren’t lucky enough to meditate while you were a student, don’t worry. Here are a few tools to get you started on your journey towards inner peace: 

Video of the day

You don’t know about this channel? Now you know it.

Meme of the day

5G is the cause

Stay safe!

Read next: Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos compete to help NASA return humans to the moon

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