The Flash: Armageddon First Trailer for New Crossover Event

Together they’ll take on Despero (played by Tony Curran, who you might remember best as Vincent Van Gogh in that great Doctor Who episode), an alien warlord who gives the Flash seven days to… defeat him? Save the planet? Kind of the same thing, I guess. Complicating matters will be the return of fan-favorite villains Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash (the Tom Cavanagh version) and Damien Darhk (the always wonderful Neal McDonough) who you wouldn’t necessarily think would be pro-destruction of all life on Earth, but you can never really know with those guys, can you?

Honestly, I was not excited at the idea of another DC/CW crossover after Crisis on Infinite Earths—like, how could they top it?—but this does look like a lot of fun. And it will be cool to see this motley team figure out how to save the world without Supergirl or Oliver Queen’s Green Arrow holding their hands. It should feel like something new and fresh, at least, which The Flash desperately needs even if the other series don’t.

The five-episode Armageddon begins in The Flash’s season premiere, which will air on November 16.

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