Stormtroopers march in a DragonCon parade through Atlanta back in 2011. The convention will not take place this year.

Stormtroopers march in a DragonCon parade through Atlanta back in 2011. The convention will not take place this year.
Photo: John Amis/AFP via Getty Images (Getty Images)

Another of the biggest convention holdouts has just given up its battle with covid-19. DragonCon 2020, scheduled for September 3-7 in Atlanta, GA, has now officially been postponed and will be held virtually. This comes after months of assurance the event was “moving forward…on schedule,” according to the official website. That’s no longer the case.


“After an exhaustive attempt to consider and uncover every possible option to hosting a safe and much-needed DragonCon this year, it has become apparent that we cannot, in good faith, move forward with our 2020 event,” the official Twitter account posted Monday. “We are heartbroken to make this announcement, but do so with the support of you, our fans, our partners, the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau Main Office, and City of Atlanta Government. For that, we thank you.”


“While we aren’t able to welcome you back in person this September, we will be taking our 2020 event virtual this Labor Day weekend with a free to the universe experience. Keep those calendars marked and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks,” the statement concluded.

Some thought DragonCon could still happen because Georgia was one of the first states to begin to reopen after closures related to the covid-19 pandemic, and the state’s governor, Brian Kemp, eased restrictions on large gatherings starting at the beginning of July. However, with covid-19 cases once again on the rise in several states, it seems the organizers behind DragonCon decided to side with other major pop culture conventions like San Diego Comic-Con, Star Wars Celebration, and about 240 other Atlanta-based conventions in taking this year off.

Fans who had tickets to the event can find more info about what to do at this link, and we’ll bring you more on Dragon Con’s virtual plans as and when we learn them.


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