Electronic Arts owns the rights to a rich back catalog of PC games from series like Populous, Command & Conquer, and Dungeon Keeper, but many of them weren’t readily available on Steam. That changed today as EA brought many of its classic PC games and expansions to Valve’s PC gaming platform today.

Some of the most notable additions come from the long-ago shut down Bullfrog Productions’ lineup of games, like Dungeon Keeper Gold and Populous. Personally, I’m looking forward to jumping into The Saboteur, an underrated game from Pandemic Studios’ where players fight to sabotage the Nazi takeover of Paris in the 1940s. Here’s the full list of titles EA brought to Steam today.

To celebrate the rerelease of all these games, which can all also be accessed with EA Play, a sale discounting them is running on Steam. If you want those Command & Conquer games, your best option is to pick up Command & Conquer: The Ultimate Collection, which is available at a 50% discount for $10 right now. The other games on this list are discounted by $60 to just $2, with the exception of The Saboteur, which is $5. They’re all discounted until March 21

Many of those titles are very important parts of PC gaming history, so I’m elated to see that people now have an official way to play these classics on Steam. Unfortunately, it’s also a stark reminder that EA shut all of the amazing studios that made these games down just a week after it laid off 5% of its workforce, canceled several projects, and shut down another studio last month.

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