‘Some Issues’ Force Tesla to Pull Newest Full Self-Driving Beta


Considering that the issues with FSD 10.3 were enough to warrant a rollback, it remains baffling that Tesla allows drivers to test out its beta software in public. The company’s public beta program has drawn criticism and concern from federal authorities, who have said that Tesla needs to address “basic safety issues” before expanding FSD’s capabilities.

It’s possible that problems with Autopilot and Traffic Aware Cruise Control, or TACC, contributed to the rollback. (Only Tesla knows for sure). A driver who received FSD 10.3 said Autopilot and TACC were not available on his car after the update and pointed it out to Musk on Twitter. Musk responded to the driver and said the company was working on resolving the issue.


Another driver on Twitter also stated that his Autopilot wouldn’t engage and added that his Tesla kept warning him about the lack of distance to the car in front of him even though he was observing safe following distances. The driver said that the car “floored the break on the highway when [Autopilot] disengaged.”

“Very scary to drive it like this,” the driver wrote.


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