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Explore over 1 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and selected magazine subscriptions on any device.

Explore over 1 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and selected magazine subscriptions on any device.

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TL;DR: Until June 22, Prime members can get three months of Kindle Unlimited for free.

Every year just before Prime Day, Amazon offers a bunch of really tempting deals that are exclusive to Prime members. It’s almost as if they want you to sign up at all costs. Maybe we’re being cynical, but the most important thing to focus on are the deals on offer.

Until June 22, Prime members can get three months of Kindle Unlimited for free. This popular subscription service usually costs £7.99 per month, so this deal saves you over £20 on list price. We told you it was tempting.

At the end of the promotional period, your subscription will automatically renew at the full price. There is no reason to panic though, because you can cancel this at anytime. Just make sure you don’t forget to cancel, or you’ll get a nasty surprise.

Kindle Unlimited offers subscribers unlimited reading and listening on any device. You can explore over 1 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and selected magazine subscriptions on your Kindle, tablet, and whatever else.

Sign up to Amazon Prime to capitalise on the best deals on subscription services.

Explore over 1 million titles for free with a subscription to Kindle Unlimited

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