It has been a month since FAUG launched in India back in January 26. And now nCore Games has announced that the game is set to get its first multiplayer mode in the form of Team Deathmatch.
This was announced by Akshay Kumar on his twitter handle with the text, “Find your friends, form your squad, fight for freedom! FAU-G’s multiplayer Team Deathmatch mode is coming soon!”
Find your friends, form your squad, fight for freedom! FAU-G’s multiplayer Team Deathmatch mode is coming soon!Download now: #Multiplayer #AtmanirbharBharat@BharatKeVeer @vishalgondal @nCore_games 24, 2021
This should be an interesting turn for FAUG since the game was mostly panned in reviews considering that it only featured melee combat which most people felt made it a little to repetitive.
The video shared with the tweet happens to show characters from the game wielding guns which is exactly what this game needed. Hence this announcement is not just about adding a new multiplayer mode but also about new weapons coming to the game.
Besides this we can also notice that one of the characters in the video which is currently not available meaning we will be getting new playable characters as well as other items.
The Team Deathmatch mode is set to have a 5v5 setup. In most games Team Deathmatch involves players of both the teams competing to achieve a certain number of frags. There is usually a time limit put to ensure trolls can’t engage servers infinitely. Even if team don’t hit the magic number whichever team has the highest frags at the end of the time wins.
FAUG has created waves ever since it was announced back in September last year. The banning of PUBG Mobile in India was the biggest push that the game developers wanted to capitalize on. And with the association of Bollywood celebrity Akshay Kumar, FAUG kept the expectations up. And now that the game is released and its first big update is on its way, it is time for the developers to hold up their end.