Finnish Man Blows Up Tesla Car Instead of Replacing Battery

To carry out his master plan, Katainen enlisted the help of YouTuber Pommijätkät, which roughly translates to “Bomb Dudes,” according to Google Translate. (Whether that’s an accurate translation or not, it seems appropriate considering Pommijätkät likes to make things explode).

While blowing up a car with dynamite may sound fun, it’s not an easy task. Katainen and Pommijätkät set up the operation in a quarry at Jaala, a small rural town in Southern Finland. The group had to consider factors like the explosive’s huge pressure wave and the direction the blast would go in order to ensure safety.

In the fascinating video, which features a dummy of Tesla CEO Elon Musk that’s dropped from a helicopter and ends with the very big explosion of Katainen’s Model S, Pommijätkät asks Katainen what is better: a working Tesla or exploding the car with 66 pounds of dynamite?


“Sort of both,” he said. “Maybe more explosion.”

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