TLDR: With freelance opportunities exploding, The 2020 Ultimate Web Developer and Design Bootcamp bundle can help you master becoming a web creation professional.

It’s no revelation to most that the professional world is spinning right now. With unemployment rampant and millions out of work, many companies aren’t rehiring the old full-time workers they shed back in March and April. They’re contracting out to freelancers instead.

With the number of job hours lost over that period equalling more than 400 million full-time jobs, freelance job postings were up 41 percent last quarter compared to 2019, according to Freelancer’s Fast 50 report. 

Now is the time to be working for yourself, especially in a high demand field like web development and design. To get the training you need to turn freelance web work into your new full time career, the training in The 2020 Ultimate Web Developer and Design Bootcamp Bundle ($39.99, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) can go a long way toward getting you ready to strike out successfully on your own.

Even if you’ve never coded before, the nearly 70 hours of training found in these 11 courses can not only get you up to speed on the basics of creating sites and apps for the web, but how various elements and tools work together to craft the type of web experiences that can get you noticed and working.

The training starts with a complete overview of the most elementary component of building online: HTML and CSS. 

With the Modern Web Design Complete HTML & CSS, The Complete 2020 HTML5 CSS3 Course with Flexbox, Grid & SASS, The Ultimate HTML Developer, and Build Responsive Real-World Websites with CSS3 v2.0, students get exposure to how HTML works as in providing the structure to web pages and apps, while CSS contributes the style and functionality that serve as the engine for all success online offerings.

With that preliminary training covered, the course Create an 8-Bit Website serves as a solid first test of your web development chops, pressing learners to build their own site in the style of 80s and 90s video games, perfect to show how much you’ve already grown in your early training.

No elemental web training would be complete without a heavy focus on JavaScript training, so the course JavaScript Essentials gets that ball rolling, examining how to use critical tools like Node.js, Vue.js, React.js, and even PHP to begin mastering the foundational coding language.

The full stack developer path continues with the Web Design JavaScript Front-End Code Course, then settles in JavaScript for Beginners: Learn with 6 Main Projects, where students firm up their JavaScript skills with a formidable stack of assignments.

Meanwhile, students also get exposure to APIs in Understanding APIs & RESTful APIs Crash Course, the role Git plays in regulating web development in Git Essentials: The Step-by-Step Guide to Git & GitHub Mastery, and the red-hot fields available for Python programmers with the Python for Everybody: The Ultimate Python 3 Bootcamp.

Each course in this package is a nearly $200 value, but right now, the whole collection is on sale for only $39.99, less than $4 per course.

Prices are subject to change.

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