As business and employees around the world have made the transition to working from home, on-site essential workers whose roles cannot be carried out remotely have had to find new ways to work and collaborate with their teams.

In order to make it easier for on-site workers to connect with their remote co-workers, Google has announced that it will be bringing its video conferencing solution Google Meet to Glass Enterprise Edition 2

While Google Glass was essentially a prototype when it was first unveiled back in 2012, the Enterprise Edition of the company’s AR glasses is currently being used by companies in logistics, manufacturing, field services and a variety of other industries to help employees do their jobs more efficiently by providing them with hands-free access to information.

Now with Google’s new Meet for Glass, on-site workers can securely connect with their organization’s remote workers over video while keeping their hands free to perform tasks.

Meet for Glass

Before making Meet for Glass available to organizations, Google tested out the new service at its own data centers as the search giant owns and operates data centers all over the world to help keep its products and services running 24/7.

Using Meet for Glass, the company’s data technicians were able to work independently while still being able to easily collaborate with others across their facility, in other buildings or even with employees working from home. Users connected to Meet were able to see exactly what a data technician was doing and communicate clearly with them to provide real-time feedback.

Up until now for on-site workers, working remotely meant walking around with a bulky webcam or laptop but with Glass, technicians are able to work hands-free so that they can focus on the task at hand. 

On-site essential workers have been using Glass for years but now they’ll be able to relay what their seeing in real-time with others with Meet for Glass. Interested organizations can sign up here to apply for the Meet for Glass beta to get early access.